BumOne, Tobacco Use Stats
BumOne is on a mission to connect tobacco users and smokers' rights organizations around the world. Our purpose is to build an enormous network of tobacco users that want to stand strong, and together. Our rationale is that to make a difference, we need our group to be big enough that politicians have no choice but to take notice.
Protecting smokers' rights is about much more than tobacco use. A large enough group can make a statement on many personal rights that government haphazardly trample upon. There is great strength in numbers. That's why tobacco users around the world need to stand together. If even a small percentage of the world's tobacco users join BumOne, can you imagine the clout that our organization might have?
The BumOne Team has done a great deal of research about these organizations, and we've gathered that information on our website. We encourage our members to learn about the organizations around the world that are engaged in advocating for the rights of smokers.
The below chart is an outstanding reference. This analysis of how many people over the age of 15 smoke tobacco daily is worthy of examination by smokers and non-smokers alike.
By Surachit - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=40275317

State with smoker protection law
State with non-specific laws protecting smokers
We have added copies of detailed tobacco use documentation created by health organizations around the world to this site. Click here to access. There are too many organizations researching tobacco for us to find and share on this website. However, because the study of tobacco use is so prolific and duplicative, and money invested in research surpasses any other product in the world, the research that we've added to our site covers a good chunk of the topics.
Why does this research continue? We cannot answer that question, other than to ask a question of our own. What benefits come from research that we all know what the outcome will probably be?
One more question, not that we will ever receive an answer. Shouldn't we use the money spent on repetitive and costly research to help tobacco users that want to quit?